Friday, July 8, 2011

Dillan turns TWO!!


Happy Birthday Dillan!!  Can you believe he is TWO already?!  He has been such a blessing to our family with his constant love of laughter and playful personality.  These days he is constantly coming up with ways to entertain himself and us, and is in complete Parrot mode by repeating everything we say.  Of course, with his 'independent' personality also comes his fair share of picky-ness, whining, and tantrums.  Ah, the life of a two-yr-old! Here is what he is up to these days:

- 27 lbs (50%), 35" (70%)
- calls himself 'DD'
- has abandoned his high chair and only wants to eat at his chair/table or at the big table with mom and dad
- wants to drink out of a 'big cup' (no lid) - but only under supervision at this point!
- chatterbox: nonstop talking, talking in short sentences.  even said 'stethoscope' at his 2 yr Dr Appt!
- becoming mommy and daddy's helper and following directions (when he wants to)
- knows his ABCs (all except W :), numbers 1-10, colors, shapes
- plays well with others - LOVES playing and following older kids around
- is preparing to be a big brother!
- has a full set of teeth - final set of molars just came in
- starting to nap in a big bed

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