Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tummy Time

The doctor suggested that we start doing a few minutes of tummy time to train those neck muscles. Here's one of our first attempts:

Started off good - look at that head control!

But soon fell

Trying again...

Ugh, too hard

And...he promptly fell asleep. Total Tummy Time - 3 minutes :)

More visitors and fun shirts

Aunt Betsy came over with Sarah and Bekkah. Thank goodness for good friends who are pediatric nurses - her advice was great and very assuring.

More future babysitters :)

Front of onesie that Auntie Ann made

Back of the onesie...Ann and her famous puns :)

Cousins Elaine and Hwa sent us this awesome shirt - Dillan was born in the Chinese Zodiac year of the Ox

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bath Time

Dillan was not a happy camper when he got his first sponge bath...

Good thing he can self-soothe when he finds his fingers

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dillan's first week

Dillan is one week old! His first week was fun and eventful. We are all still learning a lot about each other and how to make it all work. Between feedings, naps, poopy diapers and more, there were lots of 'firsts':

First Diaper Change by Daddy

First Manicure by Auntie Fiona

Lots of Smiles :)

Found his thumb and loves sucking it

Lots of cuddle time with Daddy

Lots of cuddle time with Mommy

Posing for the camera

First carseat ride - screamed at first but ended up loving it and falling asleep

First time in the papasan swing - he looks so tiny in it!

First time wearing all my cool hand-made onesies from my cool aunties - this one from Auntie Marina (she's definitely very familiar with the Mah boys)

From Auntie Fiona...

and Cousin Ethan


We've been blessed to have so many visitors stop by during our 5-day hospital stay!

GGP (Great GrandPa) had the honors of holding him first.

Uncle Josh - we're so glad he's back!

Uncle Eric - drove in from Tulsa just in time

Auntie Fiona - thanks for all the advice so far!

Grandma Mah

Grandpa Mah

Four generations of Mah men :)
Grandma Ong (Grandpa Ong is sick so he'll have to meet Dillan later)

Pastor Nelson and Auntie Margaret stopped by for a surprise visit

Auntie May and Uncle Sheng came by with an awesome basket of goodies - they will be grandparents soon too!

Chris and the boys - our future babysitters

Uncle Mike stopped by after work - he works in the same hospital where Dillan was delivered

The Lins stopped by - we're so glad they have moved back to Dallas! Lucas and Dillan can be best friends :)

Auntie Tricia is back in Dallas too!

She came by with Auntie Lisa

Auntie Bea came by the house - where Dillan gave her a nice show with his first blowout diaper. Good thing she wasn't holding him at the time!

Thanks for stopping by to welcome Dillan into the world!
Here's a fun video of him at 3 days old:

Friday, July 17, 2009

Labor Day

For those of you interested in our birth story...

Our Labor Day started off at 4:30am, when my water broke. I wasn't 100% sure (it wasn't like how it was in the movies!) so I called the doctor, who told us to walk around some and to come in when contractions got worse. After a 5am stroll around the block with Tim, my contractions went from every 15 minutes to 3 minutes and we headed to the hospital.

As big as I'm gonna get! Me in the Labor and Delivery Triage room

Contractions - NOT fun. I think I almost broke Tim's hand at one point.

After getting an epidural around 11am - feeling MUCH better. Thanks Ann for coming to support me!

Got a 'whiff' of pitocin to speed things up, and around 6pm we were ready to push. I thought, yay I'll get to meet my son in a little while! Little did I know that after 2.5 hours of pushing, the stubborn little guy was not coming out. The doc said that there just wasn't enough room and assured me that I was doing a good job pushing (I was getting discouraged!). But since I was running a fever and baby's heartrate was going up, a caesarean was looking probable. She gave me the option of pushing for 30 minutes just to see. Although I was the most exhausted I've ever been in my life, I really did not want surgery so I tried more pushing. 20 minutes into it, we decided to go for the surgery since there was no improvement.

Getting prepped for surgery - which was the most bizarre thing I've ever experienced. Ask me for details if you're interested.

About 30 minutes later...

Dillan Samuel Mah was born at 9:25 pm!
(Tim got some really cool pics of the actual surgery, but probably not appropriate for this blog :)

Daddy was the first to hold him

And I got to meet him soon after

Isn't he a cutie...just minutes old

Our family and friends anxiously waiting outside. (Eric, Fiona, Josh and Great Grandpa not pictured)

Dillan got a trip to the nursery to get cleaned and tested while we got moved to our room.

Even though we had some unexpected outcomes, we are so thankful that God protected us through the delivery and baby and mom are healthy and happy.