Thursday, June 17, 2010

Eleven Months

Eleven months!  So hard to believe that Dillan is almost a year old.  As we head towards the one year mark, we thank God every day for a healthy, happy, and very curious little boy.  It seems like every day he learns or tries something new, and it's so fun to watch him figure out how the world works. 

Here are some updates on the past month:

- 22 lbs-ish and losing some of that baby chub :(
- full on crawling (like a crab), pulling up, cruising, and climbing with no fear
- waving hi and bye
- starting to stand for a few seconds on his own
- smacks his lips when we do kisses now and is working on blowing kisses
- learned to crawl up stairs
- has developed this crazy high-pitched scream - both when happy and mad
- got his first pair of shoes
- starting to do baby sign for 'more'
- went swimming for the first time and loved it
- got his first professional haircut
- current favorite foods:  cheese and strawberries
- totally into books - favorites are Hungry Little Caterpillar and Cowboy Joe
- always exploring everything - leaves no cabinet or drawer untouched
- still loves Tucker and giggles and tries to pet him all the time
- 2 naps, 4 nursings/bottles, and 3 full meals per day

The monthly Bevo picture has been harder and harder to capture.  This month, we decided instead of making Dillan pose next to Bevo, we would have Bevo follow Dillan.  Here are some adventures of Dillan and Bevo:

 stealing toys from Bevo

 Storytime with Bevo

 Picking Bevo's nose (learned that one from Daddy)

Pulling Bevo's hair

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Child's pose

We find Dillan asleep in this position ALL the time.  It doesn't look very comfortable to me, but he obviously doesn't seem to mind.  Guess this where they got the name for the yoga pose :)  Does anyone else find their kiddo sleeping in this strange position?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Uh oh...

Look who figured out how to climb stairs...

I'm really glad we live in a one-story house.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Penny and Dillan reunited when Julie and Penny came from Cali for a TX visit. It was so fun to see the two of them together again.  What a difference a few months makes!  They have both grown so much since our visit in February, and the differences between girl and boy personalities were even more evident. The mamas also had some quality BFF time together, with a girls' night out :)  We wish we could hang out with them all the time and miss them so much already!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summertime Fun

We kicked off summer with a pre-memorial day swimming at friend Lucas's house.  It was Dillan's first time in the pool and he had so much fun!  He loved splashing around.

Here he is at our neighborhood block party a week later.  We thought he would just stick his feet in, but ended up plopping right down in the water for some more splash time.  I'm sure this will be the first of many pool adventures, since it's the best way to escape this crazy TX heat!