Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Dillan!!!

Can't believe our little boy is ONE YEAR OLD!  Exactly one year ago today, our lives changed forever as this sweet little boy entered our lives.  Never would I have imagined it would be so fun, challenging, fulfilling, exhausting, or rewarding to be a parent.  I clearly remember a moment in the hospital, holding Dillan for one of the first times after a very long day of labor and delivery, when everyone had left and Tim had fallen asleep (why was HE tired?!).  I was finally able to take it all in, that this tiny baby in my arms was finally here, and I remember wondering what he would be like.  Well one year later, Dillan is this rambunctious, happy, giggling little boy and has brought us tremendous joy and purpose in our lives.  We are so very thankful of the blessings that God has provided in our family, and pray that His guidance will continue to be with us.

Here's what Dillan has been up to at ONE year old:

- weighs 22.1 lbs, 29.5 inches
- switched to cow's milk and no more bottles!
- loves to wave hi and bye and blow kisses
- baby signs 'more', 'all done', and 'water'
- points to everything
- loves ceiling fans and lights
- first actual word:  a-dat?  (for 'what's that?')
- took his first steps at 11.5 months!  Still not 100% steady, but walking a good 10-15 steps at a time!
- losing some of that chub :(
- got his molars in!  Two on the bottom and the upper ones are coming in any day now

Check out how much I've grown in one year!

 One Day Old

 One Month

Two Months

 Three Months

 Four Months

 Five Months

 Six Months

Seven Months

Eight Months

 Nine Months

 Ten Months

Eleven Months

ONE year!


Mindy said...

aww, LOVE this's so amazing to look back at each month's pics to see how much he's changed each month.

riley's losing her baby fat as well...looks more like a girl and less like a baby.

btw, what is the sign for water?

JaniceM said...

Mindy - 'water' is: the sign for the letter 'w' and then touch your index finger to your chin. Dillan kinda does his own versions of baby signs, for water he touches his fingers on his mouth/chin. haha close enough - just glad I can understand him!

Edmund and Alicia said...

wow, you are so organized Janice! Dillan's so cute and chill. Wish we could see him more often but it looks like we'll have to watch him grow up from afar.

congrats to you and Tim for surviving the first year with an infant.