Friday, February 20, 2009

It's a....


We had our 2nd trimester sonogram today, and we are so thankful that baby looked great! We were so amazed at how detailed it was - counting 10 fingers and 10 toes, seeing the heart chambers, measuring the spine and brain and everything! It was so fun seeing baby move and squirm around - just like a real infant :) We were also very overjoyed when they announced that we are having a boy! Yay! We're imagining very fun playtimes with baby and his cousin Ethan :)

Profile Shot

Waving hello!

The arrow in the picture explains it all! (the head is near the bottom)


Unknown said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. Wow, he is going to be social. He already knows how to wave.

Unknown said...

I still think it might be a girl. You can't tell from that, that it's a boy!

Arnold and Effie said...

Wow, Auntie Vi must be stoked. Another boy to add to her brood. You'll be fantastic parents. I can see Tim playing sports with his son right now...

Ann said...

omg! i haven't checked your blog in a while...I didn't know these pics were up! I love that he's waving. So so cute.