Yay!! Baby made it to full term - 37 weeks! That means that his lungs should be fully mature by now and will be A-ok if delivered anytime. Praise God! On average, 37 week-old babies are the size of a watermelon, weigh about 6.5 lbs and are about 19 inches long. But we don't know exactly how big Baby is actually measuring, since we haven't had a sonogram since week 20. The doc says she may do one in 1-2 weeks to see how big he is. Hopefully he's not too big so delivery will not be too difficult (yeah, right) and the chance of a c-section is lower.
I'm not so sure I'm 'ready' to have the baby (who ever is?), but I'm definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore. A main reason - the incredible TX heat!! It's hit 100+ degree temperatures almost every day this week, and it's pretty unbearable. I feel like I'm constantly sweating - not a pretty sight! I'm also feeling baby's every tiny movement now, and a lot more of those braxton-hicks contractions, which makes things quite uncomfortable. As you can tell from the picture above, my belly is quite huge. People have been asking me if I'm due 'anytime now' for the past month or so. It's a little annoying, but whenever I look in the mirror, I do see how big I look so I don't blame them. I'm thankful Baby has made it to his full-term milestone, and am just trying to be patient now, knowing that every day that he stays in the womb is going to help him be a healthier and more physically mature little guy.
you still look beautiful Janice! Motherhood becomes you!
Faith was born at 37 weeks...so you never know when Mr. Baby will decide to come out
ditto what alicia said...you look beautiful! hope you and tim are well! miss running w/ u!
You can do it, Ice! We can't wait to meet the little guy. And Ethan can't wait to slobber kiss him.
See ya soon!
aww...thanks for the comments girls! Very encouraging as I am feeling somewhat discouraged these days. :)
Can't wait for yall to meet him!
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