Saturday, March 14, 2009

Week 23: People are starting to touch my belly... makes me a little uneasy. But at least they're friends and not strangers - so far. People who haven't seen me lately or don't know me that well have also started asking me if I'm pregnant. I guess I've made it past the 'is she just gaining weight or...?' stage.

I've also started feeling baby move in the past few weeks. It's fun! Kinda like popcorn or a ping pong bouncing around in there. One time after lunch, he kicked me hard - it startled me! At least the little guy is growing nice and strong :) This week he is supposed to be one pound in weight and 8 inches in length.


Edmund and Alicia said...

looking good janice! get used to people talking to you, but their eyes averting to the belly.

Ann said...

cute! your hair is getting longer and fuller too. :)

Jinju said...

hi janice! whoa, you are pregnant. see you sat!