...it makes me a little uneasy. But at least they're friends and not strangers - so far. People who haven't seen me lately or don't know me that well have also started asking me if I'm pregnant. I guess I've made it past the 'is she just gaining weight or...?' stage.
I've also started feeling baby move in the past few weeks. It's fun! Kinda like popcorn or a ping pong bouncing around in there. One time after lunch, he kicked me hard - it startled me! At least the little guy is growing nice and strong :) This week he is supposed to be one pound in weight and 8 inches in length.
looking good janice! get used to people talking to you, but their eyes averting to the belly.
cute! your hair is getting longer and fuller too. :)
hi janice! whoa, you are pregnant. see you sat!
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