Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Baby #2 - 31 weeks


I realized that there are not too many posts about our upcoming family addition, so here is what's been going on with the pregnancy so far - at 31 weeks.

Baby is doing great.  At this point, he/she is over 3 lbs and 17 inches.  All the checkups have been 'textbook', according to my OB.  Only slight concern is an iron-deficiency for me and we will get that checked again in a few weeks to determine if anything needs to be done.  In the meantime, I'm eating lots of spinach, iron-fortified cereal, and taking iron supplements.  We still have not found out the sex of the baby (even after much protest from friends and family).  Baby is very active and kicking a LOT, especially during the later afternoon and evening times.

Although I'm measuring appropriately at the dr's office, I seem to look (and feel) much further along in my pregnancy.  My doctor says this is completely normal, especially for 2nd time pregnancies.  But I am still pretty sensitive about the daily comments I get from strangers and coworkers about how 'big' I am and questions on whether I am having twins or if I'm due any day now.  I know that people don't mean any ill-will, but no woman really wants to be told that she looks 'big', pregnant or not.  Here's a comparison from my first pregnancy to this one.  You can be the judge whether I look 'huge' or not.

Pregnant with Dillan at 30 weeks


Pregnant with Baby #2 at 31 weeks

Dillan has been interested in the baby, but not TOO much.  He understands that he needs to be careful around me cause there's a baby in my belly.  Every night, we pray for health of baby and mommy.  He likes to give my belly hugs and kisses, and often asks if baby can come out to play.  He also once asked if the baby was going to come out of my belly button.  Yikes!  A little early for that conversation - I quickly diverted his attention to something else.  We ask him if he thinks it's going to be a baby boy or a baby girl, and most of the time he says 'baby girl'.  And recently, he's started calling him/her 'baby bop' :)

Dillan using mommy's belly as a pillow

Our family of 3.5 :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Why didn't you want Dillan to know where the baby…came…out…from…

Oh. I. see.

What lies has Tim volunteered to tell Dillan?