Friday, November 4, 2011

The REAL perfect push-up

What better way to enhance your workout than to strap a 2 yr old on your back?

The last 5 seconds is actually my favorite part of the video - like father like son :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pumpkin Patch


It's Pumpkin Patch Time!!  Last year, we went to our neighborhood pumpkin patch with the Hunts, and we decided to make it a tradition by going together again this year!  Hattie and Dillan had SUCH a good time running around and playing with each other.  So cute that this year they could play WITH each other rather than just sit next to each other.  They were calling each others' names and pulling wagons together.  So precious!!  Of course us parents went crazy with our cameras, and got lots of great shots :)  We are definitely doing this again next year!

2010 - The kiddos were barely mobile

2011 - Look how they've grown!



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Big Boy Bed

We've been telling Dillan that he will need to start sharing his things with his future brother or sister, including his crib.  A few weekends ago we made the transition to 'big boy' (twin size) bed.  He was definitely excited about his newfound freedom of being able to climb out of his bed.  The first few nights, it took him 2-3 hours to get to sleep, and we constantly heard the pitter patter of his feet running around on the hardwood floors in his room.  Lots of monitoring, checking in, moving things out of his reach, bribes, and a few timeouts followed.

The novelty seemed to wear off by the 4th night though, as he was asleep within 30 minutes.  Phew!  We still sometimes find interesting objects (a flashlight, extra blankets, a pumpkin, band aids) in his bed when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap, so we know he still likes to explore his room. But he's pretty good about falling asleep in a decent amount of time.  Funny thing was on saturday morning, he heard him wake up, get out of his bed, fling our bedroom door open, and yell 'Ding Dong! Wake up!'  LOL.  Such a comedian.

PS - forgot to mention that this bed is a Mah family heirloom - built from scratch by Grandpa Mah, used by several family members.  Uncle Eric even autographed it in the corner of the bed with 'Eric '91'.  Thanks for letting us use it, Grandma and Grandpa!  We'll be sure to take great care of it!

Lake Highlands Oktoberfest

We really love our neighborhood and its close-knit-community feel.  A few weeks ago, there was an Oktoberfest held by the Lake Highlands Exchange Club about 10 minutes from our house, and we decided to take advantage of the nice fall weather and plethora of kids' activities.  We also enjoyed food from local eateries - we had jalapeno cheddar sausages, wood fired pizza, and street tacos.  YUM!!

Petting Zoo

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Face Painting - he was so excited (but a little apprehensive)

IMG_2688 lasted about 10 minutes, when he accidentally rubbed it off 

Balloon monkey!  He loved that thing, but also accidentally popped it just a few hours later.
See a theme here?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Baby #2 - 31 weeks


I realized that there are not too many posts about our upcoming family addition, so here is what's been going on with the pregnancy so far - at 31 weeks.

Baby is doing great.  At this point, he/she is over 3 lbs and 17 inches.  All the checkups have been 'textbook', according to my OB.  Only slight concern is an iron-deficiency for me and we will get that checked again in a few weeks to determine if anything needs to be done.  In the meantime, I'm eating lots of spinach, iron-fortified cereal, and taking iron supplements.  We still have not found out the sex of the baby (even after much protest from friends and family).  Baby is very active and kicking a LOT, especially during the later afternoon and evening times.

Although I'm measuring appropriately at the dr's office, I seem to look (and feel) much further along in my pregnancy.  My doctor says this is completely normal, especially for 2nd time pregnancies.  But I am still pretty sensitive about the daily comments I get from strangers and coworkers about how 'big' I am and questions on whether I am having twins or if I'm due any day now.  I know that people don't mean any ill-will, but no woman really wants to be told that she looks 'big', pregnant or not.  Here's a comparison from my first pregnancy to this one.  You can be the judge whether I look 'huge' or not.

Pregnant with Dillan at 30 weeks


Pregnant with Baby #2 at 31 weeks

Dillan has been interested in the baby, but not TOO much.  He understands that he needs to be careful around me cause there's a baby in my belly.  Every night, we pray for health of baby and mommy.  He likes to give my belly hugs and kisses, and often asks if baby can come out to play.  He also once asked if the baby was going to come out of my belly button.  Yikes!  A little early for that conversation - I quickly diverted his attention to something else.  We ask him if he thinks it's going to be a baby boy or a baby girl, and most of the time he says 'baby girl'.  And recently, he's started calling him/her 'baby bop' :)

Dillan using mommy's belly as a pillow

Our family of 3.5 :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Day of School - 2 yr class

Yesterday was the first day of Dillan's second year at Mother's Day Out at Heights Baptist Church Child Development Center.  He really loves going there, and all the teachers there are super sweet and very helpful.  Last year he was in a class with other kiddos that were within a few months of his age.  This year, he is going to school 3 times a week (instead of two), and all the two year olds are in the same class.  I'm hoping that he will learn from some of the 'older twos' (potty training!).  We'll see!

He wanted to carry the backpack all by himself this year!

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It was too heavy at first - and he kept falling over!

Here we are outside of his classroom

He was a little apprehensive at first, but after recognizing the classroom that we had visited a few days earlier for Meet the Teacher, he walked right in and started playing with the other kids.  He had a great first day!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cooking Project - "Pinches"

Inspired by a friend who does lots of fun projects with her toddler, I thought that it would be fun to start doing some kitchen projects with Dillan.  I looked up some easy kid-friendly recipes and found these crescent poppers that I knew he would love to eat.  He really enjoyed helping me!  He kept calling them 'pinches' cause I told him to help me 'pinch' the corners together.  It was a super easy project using just store-bought crescent rolls, cut up hot dogs, and cheese.  Only problem was that Dillan kept trying to eat all the ingredients before we finished making them :)

All ready to help!

Putting the stuffing down.  The recipe suggested to cut each pre-cut triangle in half to make bite-sized poppers.

Before Pinching...


He got distracted halfway through when he found my sunglasses.

Look what I made!

Finally finished without eating TOO many cheese cubes and hot dogs

Waiting for them to bake...


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Tasting the treasures of his hard work!  He kept saying "Mmmmm...delicious!"  :D

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Indoor Safari Park

I took a few days off work before Dillan started school for some Dillan and Mommy time, and we had our first experience at Indoor Safari Park with Lucas and Auntie Ann!  It was a rare day where it was not too crowded, and the two of them almost had the place to themselves.  They had TONS OF FUN!!

Our playdate started off with lunch at Chick Fil A!

Off to ISP!

Lucas showing Dillan how it's done

They had all this fun stuff for them to do

They even had 'safari animal' rides!

TRAIN!  Everyone's favorite!


Dillan played at the train tables for like 20 minutes (that's years in toddler time)

Good example of how Lucas and Dillan play together:  Dillan tries to copy what Lucas does, and ends up giggling nonstop

Monday, August 22, 2011

Brittany's Baby Shower

I had the pleasure of helping host a Dessert Baby Shower for my friend Brittany, who is having TRIPLETS!  Tim works with her husband Jake at First B, and we've gotten to know each other well through bible study these past few months.  She is due a few weeks after I am in December, and we were so excited to shower her and the babies with lots of gifts and words of encouragement.

Dessert spread

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My first attempt at making decorative poms - super easy and fun!

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Check out this awesome homemade cake by Vanessa with layers that perfectly matched Brittany's nursery colors - Pink, Blue, Green, and Brown!

Rice Krispie Baby Rattles - Thanks Tim for helping me make these :)

Here are the babies!  Luke, Joshua, and Emily

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Gift Opening time

Can you believe there are FIVE pregnant women in our bible study?  Ranging from 34 weeks to 18 weeks!

Congrats Brittany!  We are praying for you and the babies!!