Dillan continues to delight us with his sweet, giggly personality. He is definitely starting to show us that he is all BOY - with his mischevous grins, dislike for being smothered with kisses, and love for banging on things. We are so enjoying this age, and it's fascinating to watch him learn and grow at lightning speed. At eight months, Dillan:
- weighs 21-ish pounds
- has six teeth: four on top, two on bottom
- likes drinking water from a sippy cup
- eats lots of pureed veggies and fruits
- is working on the pincer grasp - about 1 out of 5 cheerios successfully make it in his mouth
- may have some food allergies: peanuts and shellfish (just a theory)
- is always babbling - first pseudo phrase: "Heyyy Dada!"
- starting to respond to "ching ching" (chinese for kiss) by giving slobbery open mouth kisses
- hair is getting long...but just on the sides. we think it's quite fashionable :)
- loves being on his feet still
- really hates being on his stomach, so we think he might skip crawling
- can't get enough of the exersaucer (thanks, Sus!)
- had his first plane ride and met his girlfriend Penny in California
- loves when mom sings and dances with him
- enjoys getting lunchtime visits from mom now that work is only 2 minutes from Grandma's house!
yikes! 8 months already? what a cutie pie. sounds like he's advanced like his mama and easy going like his dada.
i wish they could stay little forever. my little one is turning 1 on tuesday. =(
wow, time flies by! i agree with alicia...so advanced. he's doing stuff that riley just learned doing about a month ago.
so why are you suspicious that he's allergic to shellfish and peanuts? are you going to get it confirmed by a blood/skin test?
did your work place move or did grandma's house move? =)
aw thanks girls. I don't know about being advanced, but I know there are definitely things he is very interested in (eating, talking), and things he doesn't really care for (being mobile). Funny how these kiddos are showing us their personalities already!
alicia - I can't believe Faith will be one already! gosh time really does fly. give her a birthday hug for me!
mindy - just started noticing when his eczema would get bad, and figured out it was after I ate peanuts or shellfish. I cut those out of my diet and things have improved, although it's not completely gone. I'll ask the dr at his 9 month checkup to see about testing, but I'm not super worried, as his eczema was never horrible. And my work moved to a new building last month :)
What a blessing that you can now lunch with Dillan and Grandma Mah!
I can attest that Dillan's hair is very awesome. Very Justin Bieberish. Melts my heart.
Happy 8! Yes, time flies! Can't believe Faith is 1?! wowee.
Holy Smokes! I think Ethan has to pass the "Fatty McFat Fats" title down to Cuzn D. He's 23 lbs and Sir Dillan is really catching up. I told Eric D's stats and he told Ethan: "Ethan!! You better start eating or Dillan's gonna stomp all over you"
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