Friday, December 11, 2009

Five Months

Dillan is five months old! He is becoming quite the squirmy, curious little monkey and is ALL boy. This month, Dillan is:

- 19-ish lbs - getting heavy!
- No more rooster hair! He now has a floppy, Conan O'Brien-esque 'do
- Sitting up much better
- Figured out how to roll back and forth
- Loving peek-a-boo
- Reaches for and grabs everything in sight
- Teething - loves to chomp down on his toys, blankets, fingers
- Taking longer naps - no more catnaps
- Starting to be very interested in watching us eat...solids on the horizon?


Alicia said...

yikes! he's 5 months already? great job feeding him, Janice! the Mah boys must have this super gene or something. I don't think Faith is even close to 19lbs yet.

fioners said...

Oh, I am missing his rooster hair! But I still love his cheeks. :)