Thursday, August 27, 2009

One Month

Apologies for the tardiness of this post. We've been having some technical difficulties - our camera broke! Anyways...Dillan turned one month old on August 11th! It's hard to believe that he came into the world just one month ago - he's grown so much in that time. Here he is with Bevo. We'll be tracking his growth by comparing him to his (hopeful) future college mascot. Thanks Godfreys for the cool present!

At one month old, Dillan:

- is about 10.5 lbs (using a very unofficial method of weighing him)
- has outgrown his newborn diapers and onesies
- is getting better at tummy time and likes to hold his head up and look around a lot
- smiles a lot!
- gets regular manicures (those little nails grow like weeds!)
- has had skype sessions with friends and family in China, Taiwan, Chicago, and California
- loves his carseat carrier and has made lots and lots of trips to the mall - the only place to go and get some exercise in this heat!

In chinese culture, one month is a pretty big deal, so we celebrated his 'red egg' party at a sushi buffet with family.
Dillan didn't make the shot - he's at the end of the table in his carrier so here's a closeup of him watching us eat the yummy sushi.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I think the pic with him and the Bevo is my absolute second fave. (the first is the one you posted on FB)