We make a trip to Chicago pretty much every year - my brother, Tim's cousin, and lots of good friends live there. This year, we were able to go right at my travel cutoff date and attended cousin Nicole and Dru's wedding. It was a great weekend - just the right mix of hanging out with family and friends. However, I realized why pregnant women probably shouldn't travel late in pregnancy - even though we tried to take it easy, I was exhausted! Here are some highlights:

Me and Jason waiting outside of Hot Doug's (featured on Food Network) - for over an hour!

The wait was worth it though - look at the yummy gourmet hot dogs and DUCK FAT fries! Doesn't Tim look happy? :)

The happy couple at the wedding. Congrats, Dru and Nicole!

In between the wedding and reception, Mom was on a quest for White Castle, and after an hour of aimless driving and searching on the GPS, she was very happy when she finally found one.

Mah cousin picture at the wedding - the reception was super nice!

Josh, Gina, and Tim doing jazz hands for the baby bump. I obviously didn't get it.

We got to visit Elena and Rodney and Tim finally met little Reuben. What a cutie!

Chinatown. Baby will be born in the year of the bull
We also hung out with Ann and Berto, and Vi and Stan for a chicago trip reunion. They are our good friends and best travel buddies. But we were too busy catching up that we forgot to take a picture! :( Someday, we will finally be able to take that Meditteranean cruise we've been talking about for so long...
Now that we are back, we are in home stretch mode. My doctor kindly reminded me that I am technically full term at 37 weeks, which is a mere 4 weeks away! Yikes! Lots of stuff to do before baby comes! Prayers would be appreciated as we mentally and physically prepare for baby.
1 comment:
So good seeing you. We'll see you again in a few weeks!! AHHHHH!
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