Tuesday, April 14, 2009


BFF Julie is in town on a TX tour to celebrate her dad's birthday and to attend some baby showers. It's been fun being pregnant together, but apparently it's just hilarious to everyone else. Here's the typical conversation (usually with an older chinese auntie or uncle):

them: wow! you are both pregnant! You are so big!
us: yes, we are - thanks (laughing sheepishly)
them: you guys are so funny, you grew up together, got married around the same time, and now you're having babies together! Did you plan this?
us: um...no. just happened this way. (cause wouldn't that be really awkward to plan something like that?!)
them: how funny. Janice is having a boy, and Julie is having a girl. OH! MAYBE...when they grow up....
us: yes, they can get married. we've already thought of this and decided that is what must happen :)

We had that conversation at least a dozen times. Never gets old :D

Here is the babies' first meeting....

We hope it's love at first sight!


mywong13 said...

you crack me up...but i too had the same said dialoge with jules. can't wait to see you guys this weekend...let me know if there's anything i can do to help.

Jinju said...

hahaha...cuteness! =) you and julie were meant to be in each other's lives always and always. =)