Before I got pregnant, running was my choice of exercise. I enjoyed the discipline and solitude in running. I also really liked participating in races with a group of people I got to know through running. In fact, I ran the 8 mile Turkey Trot with some of them when I was (unknowingly) 8 weeks pregnant, and my mother still won't let me live it down.
Not wanting to give my favorite hobby up, I asked my doctor if I could still run during pregnancy. She said it was fine, until things got 'too jiggly'. Well things have definitely gotten to that stage, and I had to stop running about 6 weeks ago.

My dear friend Jinju used to run with me every Saturday, and she has graciously offered to continue to walk with me every week. This past weekend, we both participated in the Butterfly Boogie Race - the competitive 5k walk :) Here we are before the race! The rest of our running group ran the 10k. Due to a freak cold front (it's really not supposed to be in the 30s in March in Texas), it was FREEZING out there! I don't think we won the race, but I still appreciated being a part of a race and getting out there and exercising.

I really hope that I'll be able to start running again after Baby comes. We'll see...