Here is a picture of our 2nd sonogram, at 11 weeks. Can you believe how much baby has grown? At the first sonogram, we thought he/she looked like a tiny gingerbread man (person), but now baby looks...kinda like a baby! According to the pregnancy books I've been reading, baby is the size of a large lime at this point.
The first thing people usually ask when they find out that I'm pregnant is how I'm feeling. I had a little bit of morning sickness for a the first 1-2 weeks after we found out, but I've been feeling fine since then. I'm usually hungry most of the time, but have a weird aversion to eating large pieces of meat (smaller pieces of meat mixed with other foods are ok), and have reverted to a semi-vegetarian diet. It's very strange. But I feel very fortunate to feel ok and able to eat most of the time, so hopefully the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly too!
he/she has your chin, Janice!!
haha. Hello Limey!
haha...really? I can barely tell where the chin IS :)
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