Monday, January 26, 2009
The Other Baby Mah
Our nephew, Ethan Daniel Mah, was born last Monday! We went up to Tulsa this past weekend to visit Eric and Fiona, and to meet Ethan for the first time! All are doing well, and it was fun to spend some quality family time helping them out in their first week of parenthood. We think Ethan is pretty darn cute and are so excited to be able to have cousins so close together in age. It was also fun to get a little 'preview' of what it will be like in about 6 months. I even helped change a diaper, although that turned out to be somewhat disastrous (little boys tend to spray!)

Friday, January 16, 2009
Baby Bump? 13 weeks
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Baby's 2nd picture
Here is a picture of our 2nd sonogram, at 11 weeks. Can you believe how much baby has grown? At the first sonogram, we thought he/she looked like a tiny gingerbread man (person), but now baby looks...kinda like a baby! According to the pregnancy books I've been reading, baby is the size of a large lime at this point.
The first thing people usually ask when they find out that I'm pregnant is how I'm feeling. I had a little bit of morning sickness for a the first 1-2 weeks after we found out, but I've been feeling fine since then. I'm usually hungry most of the time, but have a weird aversion to eating large pieces of meat (smaller pieces of meat mixed with other foods are ok), and have reverted to a semi-vegetarian diet. It's very strange. But I feel very fortunate to feel ok and able to eat most of the time, so hopefully the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly too!
And so it begins...
So we've noticed a trend in our friends starting blogs as they start having families. We realize this is a good way to communicate with friends and family that are out of town. So we are happy to start this blog to let you know some good news....
At the end of November, we found out that we are expecting! Baby Mah is due July 17th, 2009 and we are absolutely thrilled. Here is baby's first picture at 8 weeks, 5 days:

After going through a bit of difficulty in trying to conceive, God truly answered our prayers by providing this blessing without assistance from any fertility drugs, as our doctor had suggested. We had been specifically praying for God, not medicine, to create this child, and He faithfully and powerfully answered us when Janice took a pregnancy test right before starting the first round of medicine! We are so happy, excited, and a bit nervous about embarking in this next stage of life, and are thankful that we have the support our families and friends for advice and prayers.
We are new to blogging, so we're still trying to figure all this out. We will try to post updates as often as we can!
At the end of November, we found out that we are expecting! Baby Mah is due July 17th, 2009 and we are absolutely thrilled. Here is baby's first picture at 8 weeks, 5 days:
After going through a bit of difficulty in trying to conceive, God truly answered our prayers by providing this blessing without assistance from any fertility drugs, as our doctor had suggested. We had been specifically praying for God, not medicine, to create this child, and He faithfully and powerfully answered us when Janice took a pregnancy test right before starting the first round of medicine! We are so happy, excited, and a bit nervous about embarking in this next stage of life, and are thankful that we have the support our families and friends for advice and prayers.
We are new to blogging, so we're still trying to figure all this out. We will try to post updates as often as we can!
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