Thank goodness that Dillan is getting pretty independent and is content playing by himself for a little while. Today, we found him happily enjoying a book....underneath his laundry hamper :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
And...we're back! Dillan 15 months
Chillin at his 15 month Appt
So sorry about not posting for the past three months! As you may have noticed, the second Dillan started walking, life got a LOT busier. I'll be slowly posting (and back-dating) some entries about our summer, but I thought I'd fill you in on some of the things Dillan has been up to at FIFTEEN months:
- 23 lbs 9 oz (50%), 31.5" tall (60%)
- ALL over the place - walking, running, climbing
- saying a handful of words: mama, dada, what's that? duck, bao bao ('hug' in chinese)
- has 15 teeth - they started sprouting like crazy after his birthday!
- favorite foods: bananas, cheese (still), yogurt, broccoli - eats pretty much anything that he can chew
- starting to use utensils
- new baby signs: dog, hat, thank you, please, milk, eat, pray
- can point to body parts when asked: nose, ears, eyes, tongue, teeth, feet, belly (my favorite)
- is becoming attached to his blankie (or any blankie actually)
- loves making sounds for monkey, cookie monster
- obsessed with hats
- favorite toys: cars, balls, shape sorter, books
- slowly transitioning from two naps to one
- started getting time outs for throwing food, touching electronics :(
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